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You would like to solve problems quickly and easily.
You have been frustrated because you procrastinate with some calculations.
You want to improve your memory in a fun way.
You want to be an expert with numbers.
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Insert the email with which you signed up in the app or will be signing up, and complete the payment using your debit or credit card.
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After completing the payment, you will receive a confirmation email and the course will be unlocked in the app.
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After completing the payment, you will receive a confirmation email and the course will be unlocked in the app.
Yusnier is a multiple World Record Holder and Mental Math World Champion. According to Discovery Channel, he is "One of the fastest brains on the planet". He has been teaching Math at different levels for over 20 years.
Become premium and unlock all the content. Prices are in USD (American dollars).
You will increase your ability to solve real problems through logic and deduction.
You will be able to enjoy 5 micro-lessons in video format anytime, anywhere.
You will strengthen your concentration and attention skills.
You will develop your number sense with 1889 of interactive exercises
You will develop short-term memory.
In just 1 month you should be able to complete this course.