Network Security Essentials

Network Security Essentials

Learn to protect and manage network systems from cyber threats.

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Language: English

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By EducUp


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What you will learn


Gain comprehensive knowledge about various types of network threats


Learn to conduct effective risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities


Understand common network vulnerabilities and how to mitigate them


Acquire skills to identify and use various network attack techniques


Develop the ability to identify potential security incidents promptly


Learn strategies for containing incidents to minimize damage and disruption


Master the process of incident triage to prioritize and manage network threats


Get trained on effective incident recovery strategies to restore normal operations


Understand the importance of security auditing and how to implement it


Learn how to develop and manage an effective incident response plan

Course Content

Network Threats and Vulnerabilities
Network Threats and Vulnerabilities
Types of Network Threats
Types of Network Threats
Introduction to Network Threats
Introduction to Network Threats
Introduction to Network Threats
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Malware and Virus Attacks
Malware and Virus Attacks
Malware and Virus Attacks
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Phishing and Social Engineering
Phishing and Social Engineering
Phishing and Social Engineering
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Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
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Common Vulnerabilities
Common Vulnerabilities
Password Security
Password Security
Password Security
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Phishing Attacks
Phishing Attacks
Phishing Attacks
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Malware Prevention
Malware Prevention
Malware Prevention
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Attack Techniques
Attack Techniques
Phishing Attacks
Phishing Attacks
Phishing Attacks
Malware Injection
Malware Injection
Malware Injection
Denial of Service
Denial of Service
Denial of Service
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Identifying Threats
Identifying Threats
Identifying Threats
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
Mitigation Strategies
Mitigation Strategies
Mitigation Strategies
Security Measures and Best Practices
Security Measures and Best Practices
Password Management
Password Management
Creating Strong Passwords
Creating Strong Passwords
Creating Strong Passwords
Password Encryption Techniques
Password Encryption Techniques
Password Encryption Techniques
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication
Password Manager Applications
Password Manager Applications
Password Manager Applications
Firewalls and Intrusion Detection
Firewalls and Intrusion Detection
Firewall Fundamentals
Firewall Fundamentals
Firewall Fundamentals
Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion Detection Systems
Security Measures Implementation
Security Measures Implementation
Security Measures Implementation
Encryption Techniques
Encryption Techniques
Introduction to Encryption
Introduction to Encryption
Introduction to Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Public Key Infrastructure
Public Key Infrastructure
Public Key Infrastructure
Security Auditing and Incident Response
Security Auditing and Incident Response
Understanding Security Auditing
Understanding Security Auditing
Understanding Security Auditing
Incident Response Strategies
Incident Response Strategies
Incident Response Strategies
Vulnerability Assessment Techniques
Vulnerability Assessment Techniques
Vulnerability Assessment Techniques
Best Practices in Security Management
Best Practices in Security Management
Best Practices in Security Management
Network Incident Response
Network Incident Response
Incident Identification
Incident Identification
Recognizing Network Anomalies
Recognizing Network Anomalies
Recognizing Network Anomalies
Identifying Security Breaches
Identifying Security Breaches
Identifying Security Breaches
Detecting Malicious Activity
Detecting Malicious Activity
Detecting Malicious Activity
Incident Triage and Analysis
Incident Triage and Analysis
Incident Triage and Analysis
Incident Triage
Incident Triage
Understanding Incident Triage
Understanding Incident Triage
Understanding Incident Triage
Incident Classification
Incident Classification
Incident Classification
Prioritizing Incidents
Prioritizing Incidents
Prioritizing Incidents
Incident Response Planning
Incident Response Planning
Incident Response Planning
Incident Containment
Incident Containment
Incident Identification
Incident Identification
Incident Identification
Response Planning
Response Planning
Response Planning
Containment Strategies
Containment Strategies
Containment Strategies
Incident Recovery
Incident Recovery
Incident Identification
Incident Identification
Incident Identification
Incident Containment
Incident Containment
Incident Containment
Incident Resolution
Incident Resolution
Incident Resolution

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