StartUp School

StartUp School

Learn the basics of startups from YC partners


Language: English


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What you will learn


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the basics of startups


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the basics of startups from YC partners


Learn how to get and evaluate startup ideas


Learn how to generate and evaluate startup ideas effectively


Understand how to build an MVP


Discover how to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for your startup


Understand the best way to launch your startup and gain traction


Learn the best way to launch your startup


Learn how to acquire your first customers and build a user base


Discover how to get your first customers


Explore technical startup founder tips to help you succeed


Get tips for technical startup founders


Determine if starting a startup is the right choice for you


Determine whether starting a startup is the right choice for you


Gain insight into different startup business models and pricing strategies


Understand startup business models and pricing


Learn how startup fundraising works and how to secure funding for your venture


Learn how startup fundraising works


Discover how to talk to users


Discover how to communicate effectively with users and gather valuable feedback

Course Content

Module 1
Module 1
Should You Start A Startup? | Startup School
Should You Start A Startup? | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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How to Get and Evaluate Startup Ideas | Startup School
How to Get and Evaluate Startup Ideas | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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Keys To Successful Co-Founder Relationships | Startup School
Keys To Successful Co-Founder Relationships | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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How To Talk To Users | Startup School
How To Talk To Users | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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Startup Business Models and Pricing | Startup School
Startup Business Models and Pricing | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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How to Get Your First Customers | Startup School
How to Get Your First Customers | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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How to Build An MVP | Startup School
How to Build An MVP | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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The Best Way To Launch Your Startup | Startup School
The Best Way To Launch Your Startup | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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Tips For Technical Startup Founders | Startup School
Tips For Technical Startup Founders | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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How Startup Fundraising Works | Startup School
How Startup Fundraising Works | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
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Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
Learn and Practice
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Module 2
Module 2
How to Apply And Succeed at Y Combinator | Startup School
How to Apply And Succeed at Y Combinator | Startup School
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Watch and learn
Watch and learn
Practice now!
Watch and Learn
Video: Watch and Learn

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